Don't try to say that you've never had a worst one. Everyone does, of course, no matter how fast they would recover it. As how I tried to ask people over omegle chatters, there're many person with different answer. Some would like to forget it (sleep, listen to the music, eat some ice cream, talk to someone or do whatever they like to do to avoid another bad luck), and some other prefers throw it all away (cut them self as for an emo, blame on anyone, or just shout and smack over anything), but less person would choose to pray to God, or easily just had self introspection.
For me, I would choose to stay alone. Listen to Simple Plan frustrated album (Still Not Getting Any) just to have a quiet blame on anything, releasing the anger inside. Then goes Jennifer Love Hewitt (Barenaked) and Daniel Powter (Bad Day) music to remind me that there're not only me who already had a bad day in the world. What for? Dunno, just feels better when knowing there're people with the same condition as I did. Something like "People had a bad day too, not just you! Stop whining!" And then comes Owl City to recover, for something like, "Thanks God, this is not worse than anything it may be happened" or "Thanks God, You gave me all these problem so I could learn about life", and, "Hope that these will help me become wiser".
But, have you ever realize, or is it just me, that when you had a bad day/bad luck/just some shit around, then what you do is NOT trying to forget it, to heal it, or just to let it go away, but you DO enjoy it. Because I do. Am I crazy? I don't think so. Let's change the story then from a bad day, into a suck life. Your gf/bf cheated on you, you break up with them, and what you do is crying or just can't stop thinking about it. Sometimes you just play the song that remind you for him/her. Another times, you make yourself remember them after had some exciting moment which possibly could erase the sadness memory. Regret? I don't think so. Why would you regret the best choice in your life to break up with them if they don't even regret for what they did?
"I don't mind trying to find a way
to keep my head above the mess I make, what the world creates
sometimes it feels so good to let it all fall
as the world fall
I may fall
We all may fall
and then the world comes tumbling
down down down down down"
[Jennifer Love Hewitt - Barenaked]

The color of life as I said before in Ruby Sparks movie review, that's how the life were live. Don't blame all along over every bad things, because those bad things around you is not bad. Those bad things is good because they build your life into not-so-boring one.
Oh, anyway, I still searching songs about a bad luck. If you had recommendations, please let me know.
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