I should have post it on my tumblr, but alas! I have forgotten the password. And I couldn´t hold it anymore so guess it´s no bad post it here. Sorry.
Annoying is when you´re being told how to do your job.
This man, and this publisher and his work are awful! So
It was on May 2015 I started to work with him and his company. First of all, as
the graduation will be held soon, and it´s kind of a tradition to make the
person who will be graduated to be the person who prepare for the event, so
over 62 people, all of us were being the comittee.
It was cool at first, we made arrangement, doing some
meeting to plan our yearbook, and video, and documentation. But the tense rise
on when it comes for design. He made a desgin, he shows it at me, so i make
criticize. I said, it doesn´t look cool at all, our graduation theme is
ellegant, and i think what he made is more formal, not ellegant. So I made one,
my self, not asking him to work on design again. And now it´s his turn to make
criticize even though I didn´t ask for it. Not just criticize, he compared what
he had made to what i had made.
Is it true? Is it allowed? I mean for a design service
provider for making criticize over what client wants when the client didn´t
even ask for it. I will say, I am a designer, i have design some banner, a
company logo, I even had design a local magazine some years ago. I thought for
renting a design service provider would be more fabulous, more reaching every
person taste, just for this event. Because i have responsible at this and i
want to make everyone satisfied. Every single person. Not just me. Not just
some people.
So after all he said, the photograph size didn´t match
the sample design i made. I ask them for sending me the photograph that he took
upon us several days ago. And voila! I have to wait 2 days for the picture to
be sent. I don´t know if they´re busy or just had no internet connection
around. And then he kept saying "time is running out miss and we´re
afraid that it will not be done at the day of graduation ceremony".
But so I
wonder if the time is running out, why the hell is he sending me so late? Two
days for internet? Perhaps fedex could be faster.
So i took time for making design, i done it in 2 days and i sent
it to him. After several days, he sent me back a design that he made up. For
God sake! I have made design, and he still make some edit! Can you believe it?
I wasn´t even ask him to do that! He even pleed me and said "please no
more correction miss we´re running out of time". The design is a bit
different (sorry, i´m perfectionist if
its comes to design. Perhaps it is my fault to be perfectionist) so i said
a bit correction. Now it´s at the most disturbing part, i have forgive many
others. And he said, "I thought it was weird. Thats why I dont make it the
way you do". Annoyed at the max, i replied, "Hmm, its okay. I like it
weird :)".
So it´s done for design part, and he didnt gave me any shows until
finally i ask for the sample of the book because i have to show it to campus.
He said it´s not done printed. I said just the sample, or if he couldnt give, i
will be okay with only the softcopy. I also tell him either softcopy or
hardcopy I´ll be fine, i have to show it to my team, if it´s only softcopy i
will print it anyway. And he really gave me only the softcopy. Oh My God! I
think he doesn´t understand sarcasm.
After all, I checked the softcopy and at the bio part there is a
picture that is not chosen by my friend and added there. My friend said she had
not choose that photograph for her bio, because this photo is surely not good. So
i protest to this service provider again, and he said he´s out of town and it´s
impossible to cancel the printing progress. So i insist him to still change it
because it is not as what we mean it, and he finally got annoyed and we have a
bit fight about it. He blame me for having too many request, so i said yes i am
in the middle of between you and 62 people who wants to be graduated. And he
said "well, you should be the decision maker".
Look at this.
A service provider just told a client on how to do her job!!!
Wow!!! I dont pay him for doing that. I pay him just to work on what i told
him. Is he the boss
Did he paid me to shut up? I have paid very
very very expensive for him and this is what I got? I just pray to God that may
He bless him and show him how a professional do the work... It´s not a senior high school event, dude.
This is work field. We´re not partner. I am the boss and he´s the subordinates.
It works everywhere. Even when i did job design long years ago, i follow what
my partner wants without any interuption.

Pixxy, you´re too